Tuesday, January 11, 2011

10 reasons to love Husky basketball right now...

A few reasons I adore Husky basketball
10. The Dawg Pack. Show up early. Wear Purple. Be loud. It's what we do.

9. We put up big numbers. We have scored over 100 points in five games, average just under 90 points a game. Scores that like make for come fancy alley hoops, arena shaking dunks, smooth threes, fluid post moves and a layin or two.

8. Raise the Roof movement starts here. You know you are a Dawg when you can bring back a gesture from 1995 and get it goin all over the place. RTR

7. 9 Players deep. Life is rough when you 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th guys can each knock down 10+ a game. When our subs go in, it's Suggs, Gant, Ross, Wilcox. Ya, that really hurts the line up... not.

6. FreshmenWilcox and Ross are what's up! Shooting form that mirrors perfectionsteals for days, acrobatic drives. Glad they will be around for a few more years.

5. The players know the Dawg Pack. They talk to us before the games, give us shout outs on their twitters, and even hit us up on Facebook. How many athletes know the names and faces of their crowd?

4. 5'9 and throws down, in a BIG man fashion.

3. I.T. leads the Pac-10 in assists and is 4th in scoring.
2. Back to back Pac-10 players of the week. A big and a little. I bet MBA and IT won't be the last huskies to earn the honor this year.

1. MBA. Enough said.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

This is country music and we do

This post has two main ideas. Both of which have been on my mind alot as of late.
The first thought to ponder:
Friend --> memories.
When I come home from college for the break, it's always a mad rush to reunite with everyone. This usually results in lots of gas money and very little sleep. Never the less, those two weeks with my old friends are delightful. The girls that I have been besties with forever never change. We always laugh and talk about the same things we always have, now we just have more stories. I look back the memories from high school and cherish every single one of them. The sports and the dances and the people and the classes. It's amazing how things can change and still be the same. I loved sitting around a bon fire and hanging out with people who used to be sports' rivals but are now friends, telling stories about high school. It can be as simple as my girls showing up at my work just to say hi. I'm so lucky to still have all those people in life.
I guess the whole point of this is to just take a minute and appreciate the times that aren't memories yet, but will be.

The second thought to mull over:
I have always been the type to be behind our men and women 100%. I knew they made sacrifices and faced challenges that everyday people don't. One of my close friends deployed right before Christmas and him being gone reminds me that we need to make sure our soldiers know how much we love them. I am proud to work at a store that gives military discount and I get excited when I get to do that for our service people. It's the same story, a soldier is away from his family and friends at the holdiays. This is the first year that I have actually realized the real hardship that is for many. Thanks for the reality check Rich. Hope you are safe, miss you!

The title of this post comes from a song. I heard it this morning on country radio and it hit home for me. I get alot of grief for listening to country music, but the lyrics to this song say it all. Songs like this one are exactly why country music will never go away; you may not dance to them in clubs but they matter to people.
"So turn it on, turn it up, and sing a long
This is real; this is your life in a song
Just like a road that takes you home
Yeah this is right where you belong
This is country music"
-Brad Paisley